This packet contains 60 coronation souvenir stamps, all different, price 1/- per set : add a set to your collection, send a set to a friend. - London : Parkshaw Publishing Co., [1937] (London : Harrison & Sons, Ltd.).
Get your teeth into the job. - Ottawa : Issued by the Director of Public Information under authority of Hon. J.T. Thorson, Minister of National War Services, [ca. 1941] (Printed in Canada).
1 poster : chiefly ill. (col.) ; 14 x 9 cm.
"Lettuce beet the axis!" say the 5 crowns. - [New York : Seagram-Distillers Corporation, ca. 1943].
A sua melhor "estaca"--do Time and Tide, Londres. - [S.l. : s.n., ca. 1943].
My how times have changed. - Des Moines, Iowa : Beals, [ca. 1943].
Support your provincial appeal, help to lick him. - [S.l. : s.n., ca. 1943].
Boycott Hitler! not Germany : Nazi products not wanted! - [s.l. : s.n., ca. 1938].
The mountain boys / Paul Corbb. - St. Paul, Minn. : Brown & Bigelow, c1943.
Home sweet home was never like this. - Cambridge, MA : Colourpicture, [ca. 1930].
Souvenir of the Panama Canal = souvenir del Canal de Panama. - Cathedral Square, Panama : I.L. Maduro, Jr., [ca. 1950].
This packet contains 60 coronation souvenir stamps, all different, price 1/- per set : add a set to your collection, send a set to a friend. - London : Parkshaw Publishing Co., [1937] (London : Harrison & Sons, Ltd.).